I ain’t playin’.
I would never complain about this, but it’s very strange that lately jobs have been falling at my feet. A colleague of mine in a couple of shows now, Jackie, made mention of this at one point. She was mildly irritated and said something along the lines of “People just throw work at you.” I denied it at the time, but what in-roads I have made have evidently paid off (though without the “paid” part thus far.)
I just finished a little stunt coordination for a student film in Chicago. My ideas were well-received and the actors did a great job bringing them to life. This brought me back into contact with Sherry, a fellow student from my first trip to the National Stage Combat Workshop in Las Vegas. She sent me a script yesterday for another student film that needs actors.
I was considering the possibility, though gas prices are high, when today I received an email from a stranger who had found my résumé online and asked my availability to teach private stage combat lessons to a group of young people in Racine. It’s another great opportunity to hone my skills, but I wish that these gigs were either closer to home or for enough pay to justify the gas and maintenance on my car. I think I will accept these jobs and look into the possibility of taking a train like a proper urbanite.
I’ve noticed that people seem to be intimidated by rain or mist on the roads. Snow does not seem to affect traffic unless there’s a great deal of it, but if there’s even mild precipitation, my commute gets incresingly arduous. I always rant about it, impersonating what I think the drivers are thinking as some terror over the gods’ anger. “Oh, take pity on us mortals and keep us from getting mildly damp and we shall drive slowly and stupidly in praise of your might.” It was funny once, but now I do it with a ferocity unbecoming. My road rage is unsightly.
I do wonder if forcing myself to write more than I normally would is making me a better writer. I have noticed that as time has worn on, I have become pathetic at varying my sentence length and type. I am needlessly verbose. One could call it style, but I have always considered it the mark of an amateur to be oblivious to one’s iniquities.
Over the past few months, I have created a list of improvements to my image that will help me in my goals as an actor. Apart from simply garnering experience and training, I think it will make me more castable and confident if, for one, I whiten and straighten my teeth. In recent photos, I have noticed a marked discoloration, moreso than there has ever been in the past. Coffee and tea, and possibly soda, have contributed to a less than pristine dental patina.
While I was attending to minor errands yesterday, I investigated home remedies for whitening and found them a touch out of my price range for vanity. But, it is a step I intend to take soon. After I have seen my friend Dr. Mike in the chair and made certain that at least the health of my mouth is well-attended, I shall make an effort toward its beautification.
I don’t think other people notice much, to be honest. Still, any increase in self-confidence and attractiveness would at least remove from my mind the concept of the “pity vote.” Any time someone compliments me on being handsome or otherwise appealing physically, I always append to the sentence in my own imagination. “You’re looking thinner (but still not fit).” “I think you’re very handsome (in a certain light).” “You have a great voice (for someone with no training).” Etc. ad nauseum.
Lately, I have been more conservative with my money. I still tip to satisfy my own conscience and do not concern myself with the price of entertainment once out for the evening. But I go out less, and I have been disiciplined more than once while in a Best Buy or browsing Amazon. Bioshock, GTA4, and Oblivion (video games for thoe not in the loop) have been calling to me, as well as a few choice board games, but I have resisted them, brandishing the enchanted shield of “when would I have time?” Am I growing away from games?
Actually, that’s an absurd notion. With the free time I’ve wrangled in the last few months, I have been a games addict. More often they’ve been social encounters from board games to tabletop RPGs to a more social online experience, but I’ve been playing a lot. I guess I’ve just grown away from games as a simple relaxation. I relish GOOD game experience and avoid BAD game experiences entirely. Good for me, right? I think so.
Don’t think too much about writing. And don’t be too critical. Just do it. You’ll be amazed at the things you discover about yourself. I was waaaaay smarter when I kept a journal than I am now. :)
And the teeth whitening thing? Totally worth it. You’ll be amazed. I did it when I, in some bizarre 24-hr malady, fainted and broke my front tooth. I decided to go ahead and do it before I got my permanent bionic front tooth, and it was great.
Miss you, bud. x!
Comment by bb — 6/5/2008 @ 9:38 pm
Thanks, bb. Are you going to see Joel’s exhibit sometime? Maybe we can go together and get some drinks after.
Comment by steelbuddha — 6/6/2008 @ 11:01 am